Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Meet-Up

Today is all about meeting up and getting to know our bloggy friends better!

Hop back to The Teaching Tribune to join in on this linky.


  1. Ughhhhh... you totally made me cringe with the L word! I hate lice and am now itching. I think it's a teacher's worst nightmare! Knock on wood, I've only had lice twice in my class in my 10 years. May you have a lice free school year!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  2. Haha, I'm right with you on the lice!! I had a student a few years ago that got it all the time. I ended up surrounding her with boys that were less likely to get it. It was bad. I love your name, but Delaney is really pretty, too!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  3. My middle name is Delaney too!! It's a family name, and I'd never heard of ANYONE who had it til recently - THREE of my kids (from last year) are named Delaney! I'm right there with you about HP too! Although it's a competition between him, Dumbledore and McGonagall! :o)
    Munchkins Inc

  4. I want to meet Harry Potter and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! Lice...gross!!! I think I've had a student with it every year that I've taught.

  5. UGH LICE! I am itching just thinking about it.... BLECK! I had one poor little guy with lice for the entire school year last year. Terrible situation. He got sent home at least once a week.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  6. Breakfast is definitely the best meal of the day. I love your blog and can't wait to explore your TPT store for some great 4th grade ideas.

    I'm new to the blogging world! Check out my blog
