Friday, August 2, 2013

Back to School Goals

I can't believe it's August already! The summer has flown by but it's not over yet!!! It is time to start mentally prepping for the return to school. Our kiddos will come back after labor day here so I still have some time but I love that Jess at I {Heart} Recess is doing a Back to School Goals linky party.

Personal Goal: I have been running this summer. I'm a beginner but in April I decided that I want to register for a 5k every month and I have had so much fun with it. I get to support charities, do color runs and run with friends and my fiance. It's quickly become my favorite hobby!! So my goal during the year is not only to keep running, but run a little more during the week. Hopefully that won't be too challenging to balance!

Organization Goal: Organization is my weakness. Everyone's pinterest ideas at the beginning of the year always look so amazing. I'm organized in the beginning. It's all perfect for Day 1. Then it's all downhill from there. I'm one of those people with a messy desk who can find everything and then the second I clean it I can't find a thing.

Planning Goal: I want this year to be memorable to my students. All those lessons you did in elementary school that you still remember? I want to make that a daily occurrence in my classroom.

Professional Goal: Some of you bloggy teachers have such cute outfits. One of my goals this year is to really spruce up my wardrobe!

Students Goal: I want my students to love reading. This goal can't really be measured but I think that if you love reading, it translates into success in a ton of different aspects of life, not only academic.

Motto: Keep calm and pretend it's on the lesson plan! Always.


  1. My eyes lit up over your professional goal! Have fun with that one! My personal goal is also a running goal.

  2. I'm loving your Professional goal. That's something I can fully get behind! Props to you for running. I want to do it but just can't motivate myself. Thinking maybe a color run would be a good avenue for me.

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  3. I love your goals - especially running and SHOPPING! Fun!
    Grade 4 Buzz
