Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Upcoming Giveaway!!

Heather Matthews over at Peacocks and Penguins is SO close to 300 followers! To help her celebrate, I am donating a product from my TPT store that you can win in her GIANT 300 Follower Giveaway. Seriously guys, get excited!!!

You should follow her blog because the more followers, the closer the giveaway! And you'll be notified about the giveaway that way :) Other than that, she's an amazing blogger who teaches fourth grade and has some fabulous ideas up her sleeve. She's actually one of the first blogs I started following when I started this blog!

If you want a preview of all the products in Heather's upcoming giveaway, click {here} to read all about them!

And don't forget to scroll down to my blog post about the blog hop- my giveaway is still open to win some freebies from my store!


  1. I'm her newest follower!!

    1. Thanks, Abbey! You helped her reach 300 and now the giveaway is ON!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! She's at 300 now so hop over to the giveaway!!!

  3. Hi there! I am YOUR newest follower, but will also go visit Peacocks and Penguins. I am a 4th grade teacher, going into my 3rd year (1st in 4th), and I teach in Maryland! Even funnier, my middle name is the same as your first name!

    Stop by sometime! :)
    ~Miss McDonald

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