Friday, August 9, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday

I am super excited to do a Favorite Pins Friday thanks to First Grade Parade! So here are my favorite pins I've seen lately!

I love the idea of a little bit of a theme to Open House. came up with a neon themed back to school party and they have a ton more ideas here.

Then next there's a cute teacher gift. I'm thinking I could put this on one of my coworkers desks on the first day of school or it could be for a first-year teacher. The idea is from

I also just think this is a super adorable idea and wish I had a chalkboard somewhere because it just won't look as cute with a dry erase board. Unfortunately this is one of those pins that I can't find a home for. So the thanks for this idea goes to an anonymous teacher!

Bern from Mom 2 Posh Lil Divas featured a cute experiment to introduce the Scientific Method. It's called the Dissolving Peeps Experiment. How super cute! This will definitely be used in my classroom this year!

If you want to see what else I've been pinning, you can click HERE to follow me on Pinterest.


  1. Dissolving peeps experiment...very interesting!!
    Crafting Connections

  2. I love the idea of taking the kids' pictures with their thoughts for the future. Very clever!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. I did the picture with my kiddos on the last day, and gave it to parents as a gift. We used a white board - and it was still super cute! Just write in a a dark colored marker, and it still looks nice.

  4. I love the idea of having a theme for Open House too! Cute ideas!

  5. الحشرات هي كائنات حية تسكن المنازل وجميع المنشئات وتكثر بفصل الصيف وعند ارتفاع درجات
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